Deep Tissue Massage

Designed to target deeper layers of muscle via a relaxing and pain-free process

Sports Massage

Alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity

Therapeutic Relaxing Massage

A gentle, nurturing massage, that focuses on helping you to free your mind from the stresses of daily life

Corporate Massage

Seated Acupressure Massage - Make an investment in your most important asset – your employees.

Bringing health and relaxation to you.

Professional massage treatments, tailored to your individual needs; delivered in the comfort of your home, holiday let or office across Ipswich, Woodbridge and surrounding areas.

Privacy Notice (GDPR)

  1. Consent: By filling in the contact form on this website, you are giving your consent for CF Massage to hold your personal information provided on this form. If you don’t wish for your contact details to be saved, you may simply state so in your message or or opt-out at any time using by contacting us directly. The information you supply during your initial consultation for massage treatment will be held together with any further clinical records to make up your complete Client Record. You may choose to opt-in or opt-out of my mailing list, which uses your preferred method/s of contact to be used for newsletters, promotions and appointment reminders.
  1. Storing your information: Your information and digital records are stored on an password encrypted computer, secure Cloud Server and; where applicable; on the secure control panel for this website. Paper records are stored in a secure unit.
  1. Retaining your information: You have the right to ask me to destroy your records at any time, if you wish to terminate our working relationship. Otherwise, adults’ records are retained for eight years following our last date of contact. Children’s records are retained until their 25th or 26th birthday, depending on the exact age of the child when their treatment ended.
  1. Accessing your information: Your personal information will only be used for the purpose of informing your treatment and will never be shared with any third party without your explicit written consent. You have the right to request a copy of your records at any time. These will be sent by email, in a PDF format.
  1. Sharing your information: Your information will be kept strictly confidential, unless there are legal grounds for me to disclose something you have shared. I shall always inform you if I feel that disclosure is necessary and seek your permission and co-operation first. If there’s reason for your information to be shared between therapists for the purposes of your treatments then your permission will be sought before any information is shared.
  1. Complaints: If, for any reason, you are unhappy with how I am handling your data, please raise your concerns with me first, so that we can seek a resolution. If you are still not satisfied, then you have the right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Business Hours

Monday: 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday: 08:30 - 18:00
Wednesday: 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday: 08:30 - 17:00
Friday: 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday & Sundays: Group Bookings Only


Have a question?

It's only natural to be curious. If you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to get in touch.